Morsels of Might: From Resentment to Relief—How a Caring Community Helped Terrell Feel Heard During Cancer

Imagine suffering through months of relentless physical pain. You visit hospital after hospital, only to be sent home without real answers, but deep down, you know something isn’t right. Can you imagine how frustrating that would be?

That’s exactly what Terrell went through, over and over again. But he refused to give up—advocating for himself, determined to find out what was really going on.

Then, after months of hospital visits and uncertainty, a doctor finally told him the words no one ever wants to hear: “You have a tumor.”

And just like that, his whole world flipped upside down.

The biopsy confirmed it was cancer, and suddenly, Terrell was facing surgeries, chemo, treatments, and a new reality he wasn’t ready for. As you can imagine, it was incredibly overwhelming and scary.


“I wasn’t myself. I wasn’t ready for what I had to go through, and honestly, I didn’t know how to deal with it. There was a lot of resentment and anger.”

His treatment plan was grueling, with long days at the hospital—and no food.

Most hospitals don’t offer meals during outpatient care, which means many cancer patients go without food during treatment.

“I’d be there from 7 in the morning until 5 or 6 at night. And the hospital doesn’t provide food—not even a sandwich! I needed food.”

Then something hopeful happened.

Because of your generous donations, Terrell received meals from top Chicago restaurants, delivered right to him while he underwent treatment. For the first time in his cancer journey, he finally felt like someone was truly looking out for him. Like someone actually cared. He didn’t have to worry about being hungry or stressing over what to eat on those long treatment days. The meals you helped to provide weren’t just food—they were a reminder that he wasn’t facing this alone.

“For the first time, it felt like someone actually cared about what I was going through! Getting those meals during treatment—it felt like someone was really listening.”

“And, Culinary Care made sure I didn’t feel forgotten on my birthday!”

When Terrell’s birthday rolled around, he unfortunately had to spend the day in chemo—definitely not where anyone wants to be on their special day! But this amazing community made sure it didn’t go unnoticed.

“Culinary Care brought me a gift bag with chips and candy and even some handmade birthday cards! It was incredible! It made my whole day. I still have those cards!”

Thanks to you, this community will continue to be there when Terrell needs it most.

Terrell’s cancer journey isn’t over yet. Right now, he’s waiting to see if more treatments are ahead. But whatever happens next, one thing’s for sure—he knows he’s not alone in this fight. The whole Culinary Care community is by Terrell’s side, making sure he feels seen and truly supported!

“Culinary Care gave me something so valuable. They made sure I felt heard when no one else did. And that means more than I can ever explain.”

If you want to help make sure more patients like Terrell feel supported during their cancer treatment, join The Line, our monthly giving community.


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