What Everybody Ought to Know About Positive Thinking – Plus 6 Easy Ways to Start

Friday, September 13, 2024, is Positive Thinking Day, and at Culinary Care, we don't just celebrate positivity for one day—we live and breathe it every single day! From delivering nourishing meals to cancer patients to spreading hope and joy through acts of kindness, this incredible community embodies the power of positive thinking in all we do. And on this Positive Thinking Day, we’re going to make sure you leave with a smile because this blog is packed with positivity and inspiring ways to fill your life with goodness!

So, whether you’re celebrating Positive Thinking Day or just looking for a reason to smile, let’s dive into the power of positivity, positive affirmations, and how a positive mindset can truly change your life.

The Power of Positive Thinking

The power of positive thinking isn’t just a feel-good phrase—it’s a life-changing mindset. Research shows that people who focus on positivity experience everything from better mental health to improved physical well-being. It’s true! Positive thinking can transform how we feel, how we handle stress, and even how we heal.

When you fill your mind with positive words and affirmations, you’re training your brain to see the good in life’s challenges. This shift in perspective can help lower stress, improve your mood, and build resilience.

At Culinary Care, we see this every day. A simple meal or a kind gesture can bring so much positivity to someone’s day, especially for families fighting cancer. It’s a reminder that even in the toughest times, a little positivity can make a world of difference.

How Positivity Affects Us

Positivity goes beyond just feeling good—here’s how it can truly transform your life:

1. Improved Mental Health

When we practice positive thinking, our brains release those feel-good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. These chemicals help us manage our mood, reduce anxiety, and promote overall mental well-being. Positive thoughts clear out the stress and make room for more peace and clarity.

2. Better Physical Health

Our minds and bodies are connected, and people who focus on positivity often experience lower blood pressure, better heart health, and stronger immune systems. It’s amazing how much our mindset can impact our physical health!

3. Increased Resilience

Life’s challenges can be tough, but with a positive mindset, we bounce back more easily. Positivity helps us stay hopeful even during difficult times, making it easier to face whatever comes our way.

4. Stronger Relationships

When you radiate positivity, it draws others in. People love being around uplifting energy, which naturally improves your relationships and helps you build a strong, supportive community. After all, who doesn’t want to feel good?!

Ways to Think and Be More Positive

Let’s get practical! Here are some simple ways you can invite more positivity into your life:

1. Start Your Day with Positive Affirmations

How you start your day sets the tone for everything that follows. Try reciting some positive affirmations first thing in the morning like:

  • "Today is going to be a great day."

  • "I am strong, capable, and positive."

  • "I choose happiness and peace."

  • "Challenges help me grow stronger."

Just saying these out loud can shift your focus to the good things ahead and help you feel more confident. Give it a try!

2. Surround Yourself with Positive Words and People

Your environment matters. Surround yourself with positive words—uplifting quotes, inspiring books, and positive people. When you’re around positivity, it’s contagious, and it becomes easier to keep your spirits up!

>> Psst… Looking to find a community of kind, like-minded people who love spreading positivity? We’ve got plenty of ways for you to get involved, make new friends, and share the good vibes at Culinary Care! Come join us!

3. Practice Gratitude Daily

Gratitude is one of the easiest ways to bring more positivity into your life. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for, no matter how small. Here are some simple ways to practice gratitude:

  • Keep a gratitude journal and jot down three things you’re grateful for each morning. If that’s too much, you can always use a scrap of paper or even your phone’s Notes app!

  • Share something positive with a friend or loved one. A simple text can brighten your day—and theirs, too!

  • Before bed, think about one thing that made you smile today. It’s a great way to end the day on a positive note.

4. Take Care of Your Body

When we feel good physically, it’s so much easier to stay positive. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating nourishing meals (like the ones we provide at Culinary Care!), and moving your body each day. Even something as simple as gentle stretches or a short walk can make a big difference. Taking care of your body goes hand in hand with a positive mindset.

5. Focus on Solutions, Not Problems

This one’s a game changer! When challenges come up, it’s easy to get caught in a negative spiral. But instead of dwelling on the problem, try shifting your focus to solutions. Ask yourself:

  • "What steps can I take to make this better?"

  • "What’s one small thing I can do right now to move forward?"

  • "How can I look at this in a more positive way?"

By focusing on what you can do, you stay in control and keep your mindset proactive and positive.

6. Help Others

Want a guaranteed way to feel more positive? Help someone else! Whether it’s through a kind word, a thoughtful gesture, or giving your time, spreading positivity not only lifts others but boosts your own spirits too. It’s a win-win!

>> Need some inspiration? Check out this post with 35 ways you can change someone’s life (including your own!).

It’s Positive Thinking Day, But You Spread Positivity All Year for Families Fighting Cancer

Positive Thinking Day is just one day, but this incredible community spreads positivity every single day! At Culinary Care, we see this magic year-round in the smiles and stories of the families we support. By helping us bring meals to cancer patients, you’re doing more than just nourishing bodies—you’re delivering hope, love, and positivity.

For someone facing something as tough as cancer, that mental shift can make a huge difference. It’s about finding hope, just like Juanita, who told us:

"I actually look forward to my cancer treatments because the meals that Culinary Care delivers during my chemo lift my spirit! Any little thing that can make you feel more positive—I truly believe it plays a part in healing." ~ Juanita

While we’re celebrating Positive Thinking Day, remember that the positivity you share can make a lasting impact. Let’s keep the good vibes going all year long! Whether it’s a kind word, helping someone out, or starting your day with a positive affirmation, remember that positivity has the power to uplift, heal, and transform. You’re making a difference, and that positive energy you spread truly can change lives—including your own!


Morsels of Might: How One Meal Took a Huge Burden Off This Cancer-Fighting Mom


Morsels of Might: From Resentment to Relief—How a Caring Community Helped Terrell Feel Heard During Cancer