Cross The Finish Line Feeling Your Best: Unlock the Secret to Effortless Hill Running—Straight From a Marathon Expert

At Culinary Care, we’re on a mission to make nourishment part of everyone’s cancer care. Supporting our community is a key part of what we do, and that includes cheering on our amazing runners, whether they’re tackling their very first mile, a 5K, or a marathon!

A group of our #TeamCulinaryCare runners are gearing up for their next big race—the Bank of America Chicago Marathon—while some have just crushed the Run Mag Mile (way to go!). Not only are they hitting their personal running goals, but they’re also raising critical funds for families battling cancer, and we’re here to offer support every step of the way!

Today, we’re excited to share some game-changing hill-running tips from our community contributor, Tim Elias. Tim has completed numerous marathons and knows exactly what it takes to cross that finish line feeling your best! He’s been sharing his top strategies with our #TeamCulinaryCare running crew, and now we’re passing them along to you. Whether you're a marathoner, a casual runner, or just love hitting the pavement, these tips will help you get ready to run that extra mile—hills and all!

Why Running Hills is Key to Running Success

Whether you’re following a marathon training plan or just enjoy running in your neighborhood, running hills is a total game-changer! Sure, they can be intimidating, but mastering them will build strength, boost your endurance, and make you a more efficient runner overall. (And let’s be real—there’s nothing quite like the feeling of conquering a hill!)

Hills can pop up on any running course (not just marathons), so learning how to run them well can set you up for success in races of all distances. Here’s why:

  • Strength Building: Hills work muscles that don’t get as much attention on flat terrain. This means stronger legs and a more powerful stride.

  • Endurance Boost: Running hills challenges your cardiovascular system, helping you build endurance for longer runs.

  • Mental Toughness: Hills aren’t just about physical strength—they build mental grit, too. Tackling a tough hill prepares you for anything the course (or life!) throws at you.

Let’s dive into Tim’s expert tips for running hills like a pro—and get ready to feel like a hill-running superhero!

Tim's Tips for Running Hills Like a Pro

Whether you’re gearing up for the Chicago Marathon or just lacing up for a local 5K, these hill-running tips from Tim will have you running smoother, faster, and more efficiently.

1. Don't Attack the Hill—Keep Your Effort Consistent

First things first: don’t think of a hill as your enemy! A common mistake runners make is trying to attack the hill, sprinting up as fast as they can. Instead, focus on maintaining your effort level. It’s okay for your pace to slow down on the uphill, but your effort should stay consistent. This helps you avoid burning out and gasping for breath at the top of the hill.

Pro Tip: Think of hills as a way to build strength, not a reason to go all-out. Save that energy for later in your run!

2. Check Your Form as You Approach the Hill

As you approach a hill, focus on your running form—it makes all the difference!

  • Arms at a 90-Degree Angle: Your arms should move forward and back, rotating at the shoulder. No wild side-to-side arm swings here—they’ll waste precious energy!

  • Stay Upright: Keep your back straight, and engage your core to power yourself forward. You can lean very slightly from the hips, but avoid hunching over.

  • Lock Your Core: A strong core is your secret weapon when tackling hills. It helps you generate power and keeps everything moving forward.

Why This Matters: Great form isn’t just about looking cool—it helps you run more efficiently and save energy, so you’re ready to take on the next mile (or hill).

3. Shorten Your Stride on the Uphill

When you're running uphill, it's all about keeping things short and quick! Focus on swinging your arms lower and quicker, and your legs will follow with short, quick strides. This keeps you from exhausting yourself with big, long steps and helps you maintain control.

Why This Works: Shorter strides reduce the time your legs spend in the air, conserving energy and keeping your balance in check. Plus, it’s easier on your body!

4. Resume Your Normal Stride at the Top

Once you’ve made it to the top of the hill (victory!), ease back into your regular running stride. If you paced yourself well, you’ll have more energy than those runners who sprinted up the hill and burned out. It’s the perfect opportunity to pick up the pace and maybe even pass a few people. 😉

Pro Tip: Use the downhill as a confidence booster! You conserved energy, and now you can reap the benefits of a strong finish.

Conquering Downhills—Because What Goes Up, Must Come Down!

Now that you’ve mastered the uphill, it’s time to talk about the downhill. Running downhill might sound easy, but it requires some strategy to avoid injury and make the most of the momentum.

1. Lean Forward Slightly and Let Gravity Help

When running downhill, lean slightly forward (yep, into the hill!) and let gravity do some of the work. Keeping your shoulders just ahead of you and your hips under you helps maintain control. Avoid leaning back, as that can put extra strain on your shins, quads, and hip flexors.

Why It Matters: Leaning forward reduces the impact on your joints and muscles, making downhill running smoother and less painful.

2. Take Short, Quick Strides

Just like going uphill, short strides are your friend on the downhill. It’s tempting to take big, leaping steps, but this can increase the impact on your legs and leave you feeling sore or injured. Stick with short, quick strides to keep your body in control.

Pro Tip: Let gravity help you pick up speed, but keep your strides light and quick to reduce the pounding on your legs. Your muscles will thank you!

Master Hills and Master Your Run!

No matter what type of race you’re preparing for, learning to run hills efficiently can take your running game to the next level. By maintaining consistent effort, focusing on good form, and embracing both the uphills and downhills, you’ll find yourself running stronger, faster, and feeling fantastic at the finish line!

As Tim said, "Hills aren’t the enemy—they’re just another way to get stronger!" So, lace up, tackle those hills with confidence, and get ready to feel unstoppable! 💪

Happy hill running!

Looking for more running resources? Check out:

🏃 The Ultimate Post-Race Recovery Checklist for Runners

🏃 Hydration Tips for Runners


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