Morsels of Might: How Small Acts of Support Made a Big Difference for Kathryn

We want to introduce you to someone extraordinary—Kathryn, affectionately known as “Ms. Kathryn” around here! Her incredible passion for raising awareness about breast cancer is beyond inspiring. Kathryn’s journey has been anything but easy, but her strength, positivity, and determination have touched so many lives, including ours.

Kathryn has been diagnosed with cancer three times.

Kathryn’s journey with cancer began in March 2018, just a few months before her 33rd birthday, when she was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma, stage IIb/3. At 32 years old, she suddenly found herself navigating a whirlwind of doctor visits, tests, and treatments. The following months were filled with surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation.

Then, in 2020, during the pandemic, her cancer returned, more aggressive than before. This led to a double mastectomy with DIEP flap reconstruction—a surgery that brought immense physical pain and a long, challenging recovery period.

In January 2023, Kathryn’s cancer returned as metastatic stage IV breast cancer, spreading to her liver, hip bone, and other areas.

Three cancer diagnoses in just a few years. Can you imagine how this must have felt? The stress it caused?

Then, something beautiful happened.

As Kathryn faced the return of her cancer, she was introduced to Culinary Care.

“When I got that first meal, it was such a relief. I was scrambling before, trying to figure out what to eat, worrying if there’d be a microwave at the hospital, and then Culinary Care stepped in. It just made everything easier. Knowing that I had a healthy meal waiting for me meant I didn’t have to worry about one more thing.”

We weren’t just providing meals—we were providing peace of mind. Kathryn could focus on her treatments and recovery, knowing that she had nourishing, restaurant-prepared meals to support her body during tough chemo sessions.

You were there when Kathryn needed it most.

Because of your generous donations, Kathryn didn’t have to face her treatments hungry or stressed about what she was going to eat during treatment to nourish her. You provided her with the healthy meals she needed to get through the toughest days, and your support made all the difference.

“Culinary Care has been there for me every step of the way. These meals are so important to my health—especially when you’re going through chemo. You need to have something in your stomach, and Culinary Care made sure I did.”

It’s incredible to think about how much a meal can impact someone’s day, isn’t it? You helped Kathryn feel cared for, supported, and nourished during a time when everything else in her life felt so uncertain.

“I feel so fortunate to have this support. It makes such a big difference.”

Kathryn’s story shows us the power of perseverance, advocacy, and community support.

Kathryn is a fierce advocate for young women battling breast cancer, especially those who may not have access to the resources and support they need. Through her work with various organizations, Kathryn is helping to spread awareness and educate others on the importance of early detection and self-advocacy.

Beyond her passion for advocacy, Kathryn knows how much even the smallest acts of kindness can mean to someone going through treatment. When you helped to provide meals for both her and her loved ones, it wasn’t just about the food. It was about showing Kathryn that even in the darkest times, there are people who care.

“It’s the little things that make such a big difference. Just knowing that someone is thinking of you, that they care enough to provide a meal while you’re sitting there getting treatment—it means so much!”

Kathryn has more treatments ahead of her. You can help us be there with a warm meal at each one by joining The Line, our monthly giving community.


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