Watch the Savor the Summer livestream replay!

Watch as Michelin-starred chef Don Young and Oncology Dietitian/Clinical Exercise Physiologist Hannah Manella share savory sauce ideas and recipes for your next BBQ!

Before you press play, if you want to be a bright spot for a family fighting cancer this summer (and all year round!), simply scroll down this page!

Help us reach 52!

Summer looks different when you’re in chemo. Vacation time becomes 2+ hour commute time. And sunshine gets replaced with LED lights.

But there can be a bright spot — you.

We're looking for 52 people to join The Line, our monthly giving community, for as little as $1 a month and help make this summer (and all year round!) one filled with joyful moments our families can savor. Will you be one of them?

Meet the Livestream Lineup

  • Donald Young

    Owner/Chef of Duck Sel, one of the youngest chefs to be awarded a Michelin star in the U.S., acclaimed as “one of the most exciting chefs to watch in the Midwest”

  • Hannah Manella

    Oncology dietitian and clinical exercise physiologist in the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, enhances lifestyle behaviors during & after cancer