Morsels of Might: How Nourishing Meals Created Moments of Connection for Elizabeth and Brian During Chemo

We’ve got to tell you about Elizabeth. At 60, she’s a two-time cancer survivor, a devoted wife, and a published author. She lives by this beautiful philosophy she calls “living wide,” which is all about savoring life’s little moments. None of us are guaranteed a long life, but we can all live wide, right? And that’s exactly what she’s done.

But suddenly, everything changed.

Elizabeth was first diagnosed with cancer in her 30s. She fought through an aggressive form of breast cancer and then enjoyed 24 years of perfect health. She dedicated herself to giving back to the cancer community and lived every day to its fullest.

But just after her 60th birthday, Elizabeth was diagnosed with a rare form of bile duct cancer called cholangiocarcinoma. Weekly chemo appointments quickly became the new normal for Elizabeth and her husband, Brian. They were rushing out the door, juggling labs, appointments, and everything else that comes with cancer treatment. It was a lot. Honestly, thinking about something like a nice lunch was the last thing on their minds.

Then, something beautiful happened.

One day during treatment, Elizabeth noticed a wonderful smell in the hospital hallway. A Culinary Care team member knocked and asked her, “Would you like lunch today?”

Elizabeth hadn’t expected anything like that! The meal was from Café Ba-Ba-Reeba and let us tell you, it was a total game-changer for her and Brian. Ever since that first meal, it’s become something they truly look forward to.

“It turns what would otherwise be such a tough day into something special,” Elizabeth shared. “We get to sit down, enjoy lunch together, and for a little while, it feels like everything else fades away.”

Brian, by the way, is a total foodie! He’s worked in the food industry for years, so these meals have been a fun adventure for them. Together, they’ve discovered new dishes, tried restaurants they hadn’t heard of, and found moments of happiness in the middle of such a challenging time.

“We never would’ve done this for ourselves. Brian would’ve just grabbed some smoothies or something quick. But instead, we get to sit down and enjoy these amazing meals together. It’s become something we look forward to!”

You made that happen.

Because of your generosity, moments like these are possible. Every meal delivered by Culinary Care is more than just food. It’s a reminder to people like Elizabeth and Brian that someone out there cares. Someone like you.

“You wouldn’t believe how much a delicious lunch during tough times can do for someone. The food is always perfect, thoughtfully packed, and you can just feel the love behind it. The generosity of the restaurants, the donors, the volunteers—it’s really made a difference.”

Because of you, chemo days weren’t just about the grind of appointments—they became a time for Elizabeth and Brian to take a break, share a meal, and find a bit of joy in the middle of it all. That’s something they’ll never forget.

Isn’t it incredible what we can do when we come together?

We love sharing stories like Elizabeth’s because it shows just how powerful kindness can be. Because of you, her journey has been a little easier, her spirits a little higher, and her days a little brighter.

You were there for Elizabeth when she needed a little extra love and care, and it’s made all the difference.

Elizabeth’s story is just one example of how a simple meal can bring hope, comfort, and strength to someone going through a tough time. If you want to keep spreading that love, join The Line, our monthly giving community, and help us continue providing these special moments to more families.


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