Morsels of Might: Normalcy Is Undervalued

Today, I’m excited to tell you about an incredible Culinary Care patient—Cati Glidewell. I’ve had the absolute pleasure of connecting with Cati over the past few months, and I feel very honored to share her story with you.

Cati is a foodie through and through! Before cancer, she loved trying new restaurants in Chicago, not just for the incredible food but also because she loved to go out to eat with her friends.

Then suddenly, everything changed.

Cati started feeling a little off and noticed some strange symptoms. She went in for surgery to remove a cyst on her ovary, only to wake up and find out she had a malignant tumor. It was ovarian cancer.

Can you imagine how scary that must have been? Her world turned upside down in an instant.

Because of her weakened immune system, Cati had to avoid crowded places, including restaurants. She told me, “Once you get diagnosed with cancer, you're not supposed to go out in crowds or go to restaurants. You have to be very careful. Your world is completely different.”

Picture having to give up something that brings you so much joy and trading it for long hours in hospital rooms with uncomfortable fluorescent lights, undergoing chemotherapy. Yes, it was necessary, of course, but as you can imagine, it really made her feel isolated and sad. It stripped her of one of her favorite joys in life.

But then, something amazing happened.

A community of kindhearted people, many of whom had never met Cati, started donating just $10 a month to make sure she could get nourishing meals from the Chicago restaurants she loved so much, delivered right to her during her treatment!

Cati said, “It was incredible to have delicious, healthy meals from Chicago’s best restaurants delivered during chemo. It brought a powerful sense of normalcy and joy back into my life! Every single meal tasted amazing, which, if you haven't experienced this, is truly a miracle.”

Cati was thrilled that her friends who joined her during chemotherapy got a meal, too. She loved sharing meals with her friends. Through tears, she told me, “I get to have a friend who's supporting me during chemotherapy, eating with me and sharing a meal. It's one of those things that lifts your spirits when you don't have a choice. Culinary Care is a true gift of relief.”

When we talk about nourishment at Culinary Care, we mean something much deeper than just a warm meal. As you can see through Cati’s story, it can bring comfort and be a lifeline of hope.

You are the lifeline Cati needed.

I want to thank you for being part of this incredible community! Whether you're a member of The Line, our monthly giving community, or maybe you're just here reading this post today (welcome!), your presence and support make a real difference. You've brought hope, a sense of normalcy, and delicious food from Cati’s favorite restaurants back into her life during a challenging time. She will always remember your support!

And now, for the best part…

I’m so excited to share that Cati completed her treatment in July! Way to go, Cati!

Join me in celebrating Cati by watching this heartwarming and inspiring video of her ringing the bell. For those who don’t know, ringing the bell is a powerful symbol—it marks the end of a patient's cancer treatment journey and the beginning of a new chapter filled with hope and recovery.

Every month, over 190 people stand with us to make moments like this possible. Some give $10 a month, others give $200 a month. No matter how much you give, you’ll help create celebratory moments like this for more patients like Cati. I hope you join me!


Culinary Care Marketing Director


The Gold Medal Champions of Team Culinary Care: Celebrating Our Community


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